Monday, January 9, 2012

Coffee Anyone?!

I've actually been going to bed each night excited to wake up in the morning... not sure that's ever happened before! Why you ask?! Because of this little machine!!!

Keurig - best coffee drinker's invention EVER!!!
The boys have been getting great enjoyment out of it too! Jaxon LOVES hot chocolate... the Keurig makes the very best he's ever had (he claims)! Max LOVES to watch the machine at work and insists on using a coffee mug for his juice each day now! If anyone can tell me where to find a plastic coffee mug that comes w/ a lid, let me know!

Jaxon ran us out of hot chocolate K-Cups over the weekend and is devastated that he now has to use the mix packs again for awhile till we go back to the store. We are wanting to try some different flavors but are having a hard time deciding what we should try. 

Any suggestions?! 

1 comment:

Christine said...

We have this machine at work but I never use it. I really like cafe latte and so far I haven't seen that in the little cup. Enjoy the machine!