Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jaxon's ArtBoard ~ December

December was a busy month at the Welch house but we managed to squeeze in a few creative moments to fill up the board. I photographed some of our favorites individually so you could get a better look!
Jaxon was instrumental in the decorating of our live tree so I thought it'd be fun for him to decorate a paper tree as well... of course w/ every tree there MUST be presents! The "Santa Hand" was a big hit... he made so many that we ended up using them as thank you notes for his Christmas gifts! And the snowman is my personal fave! He has asked everyday that there has been snow on the ground if we can go out and build lots of snowmen! It has been so cold most days that paper snowmen are a better option!

1 comment:

Ann said...

Way to go Jaxson!!! They all look great!! Dylan made a Christmas tree shirt(same as the Santa you made with his hand) but we put Dylan's hand upside down also and then went like 4 across and then 3 across and so on. Then put little dots in different colors and put on the tree. Turned out really cute. My Mom did that with him and all her kids at daycare. We try and do stuff like that at home and it never turns out for me. I'm trying to get over hating paint and messes.....I'm getting better!!!:-)