Saturday, January 29, 2011

Kindle Pick for January

One of my New Year's "goals" was to read more. And with that came the challenge of selecting books I wouldn't ordinarily read. I have a new "favorite thing", the Amazon Kindle, which allows you to read virtually anything you can get your hands on! That includes children's books! Jaxon loves being read to at night by this device! We are currently reading "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" and "The Velveteen Rabbit"... both are free for the Kindle. I am looking for some new stories right now for the month of February... suggestions are welcome!

My challenge to myself for the month of January, was to pick a non-fiction book to read. I am a big fiction reader and can honestly say I don't remember the last time I read non-fiction! One of the reasons I love the Kindle so much is because you can use the device to shop online for books! The Kindle Storefront gives you the freedom to shop by categories... fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, children's books, blogs, magazines, etc.!

As I began my hunt for the non-fiction book of choice, I was immediately drawn to a book entitled, "Heaven Is For Real", by Todd Burpo. Other than the title, what grabbed my attention in the description, was that the book is based on stories told to his parents by a 4 year old, about what he had seen in heaven. I don't want to give too much away but this book was AMAZING!!! I very highly recommend it to anyone, whether you believe in heaven or not.

Check out the link below to read more about this amazing piece of non-fiction!

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