Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day 5K

I finally completed my very first 5K! Our church's youth group sponsored a "Fun Run" Monday morning and we decided to do it as a family! We loaded up the big, red wagon, the stroller, lots of snacks and water bottles, a few blankets and a couple of toys... pretty much the entire house! I'm sure everyone thought we were crazy for taking our kids... we're even getting some strange looks from the people behind us as you can see in the picture below! We didn't care though!  

Here's "Team Welch" getting ready to line up! Notice Jaxon's rubbery friends participated as well! 

The route goes right by our house so we were all very familiar with the surroundings. We even went by Jaxon's "favorite spot", (which he didn't even notice because he and Daddy were racing at the time!) After I took this picture Jaxon asked to see it and commented on how me & Max's shadow made it look like, "Mommy has a great, big buns!"

I guess it kinda does! I swear I'm pushing the stroller!!!

Jaxon was doing more walking than riding so we decided to ditch the wagon when we got to our house (since it's along the route), we were almost to the finish line anyway! Mommy ended up giving a few "piggie back" rides on the home stretch but we managed to finish at just under an hour. As we crossed the finish line Jaxon gave me a great big high five and asked if we could do it again... after breakfast of course!

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